For awhile, I thought fear was a real asshole – one of those toxic people that I just couldn’t have terrorizing my life anymore. Like, here I am trying to dream all these big dreams, do all this cool shit, and take big leaps, and fear’s gotta be all, “no you can’t”, “you’re not good enough”, “you’re going to screw everything up” and “get a real job”. And we’re not supposed to give those negative voices in our head a turn to speak, right? So I just shut fear up, which didn’t really work out so well because covering fear up is not only exhausting, but frustrating – like the pimple that no matter how much concealer you put on it, it just keeps breaking through, ugh! Then, in October I had the opportunity to attend the Fearless Warrior Yoga Conference. “Perfect!” I thought. “Teach me how to ditch my
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